HBN Webinar: Thermal comfort part 2 Peter Küsters – Greenpass

Webinar: The influence of thermical comfort in a healthy building


The importance of the right temperature in a healthy building
Thermal comfort is one of the factors (alongside light, sound, indoor air quality and look and feel) that influence indoor environment of a building. This factor is not only incredibly important for making users feel comfortable and satisfied in a building, but it also affects people’s physical condition. This is why the Healthy Building Network organized a webinar on the thermal comfort factor.

What is thermal comfort?
Thermal comfort within a building is determined by many parameters. Namely, it includes the following components: air temperature, radiation temperature, humidity and air velocity. But parameters such as the clothes a person wears and the activities carried out inside a building also have a major influence on your cosiness.

The speakers
To learn more about the role of temperature in relation to the human body, the Healthy Building Network has invited Prof Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt of Maastricht University to share his knowledge on the subject. Next, speaker Peter Kusters, Co-Founder Greenpass GmbH, will elaborate on the role of greenery on the indoor climate of buildings.