Case study: Education in Venlo

As sustainability rapidly becomes a key priority for businesses and institutions worldwide, so does the need for job candidates with a strong knowledge of sustainability and responsible innovation. Inspiring a next generation of innovators and thought leaders, Venlo and C2C ExpoLAB works with forward-thinking schools, colleges and universities to integrate the principles of ‘systems thinking’ and Cradle to Cradle into their management programs and curricula. World’s first Cradle to Cradle Master’s program was initiated by the municipality of Venlo and C2C ExpoLAB in the academic year 2010-2011, in order to integrate the principles of Cradle to Cradle into university curricula. This case study is about how the Master’s program is translated into the continuous learning line in the region of Venlo.

We have written this document for the Closed Loop Project South America, if you are interested you can also read the other casestudies, click here.